Fellowship – February 16, 2016

This blog post was created to have a place for fellowship.  Let us praise the Lord in all things.   Feel free to share true news, current events, life lessons, stories, etc.  I have 3 separate posts for Individual Bible Studies, Open Prayer Requests, and Sharing Your Dreams/Visions.



1 John 3:11

For this is the message that you have heard from the beginning, that we should love one another.


Ephesians 6

The Whole Armor of God
10 Finally, be strong in the Lord and in the strength of his might.

11 Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the schemes of the devil.

12 For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places.

13 Therefore take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand firm.

14 Stand therefore, having fastened on the belt of truth, and having put on the breastplate of righteousness,

15 and, as shoes for your feet, having put on the readiness given by the gospel of peace.

16 In all circumstances take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming darts of the evil one;

17 and take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God,

18 praying at all times in the Spirit, with all prayer and supplication. To that end keep alert with all perseverance, making supplication for all the saints,

19 and also for me, that words may be given to me in opening my mouth boldly to proclaim the mystery of the gospel,

20 for which I am an ambassador in chains, that I may declare it boldly, as I ought to speak.


Psalms 91

My Refuge and My Fortress
He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will abide in the shadow of the Almighty.
2 I will say to the Lord, “My refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust.”
3 For he will deliver you from the snare of the fowler and from the deadly pestilence.
4 He will cover you with his pinions, and under his wings you will find refuge;
his faithfulness is a shield and buckler.
5 You will not fear the terror of the night, nor the arrow that flies by day,
6 nor the pestilence that stalks in darkness, nor the destruction that wastes at noonday.
7 A thousand may fall at your side, ten thousand at your right hand,
but it will not come near you.
8 You will only look with your eyes and see the recompense of the wicked.
9 Because you have made the Lord your dwelling place— the Most High, who is my refuge—
10 no evil shall be allowed to befall you, no plague come near your tent.
11 For he will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways.
12 On their hands they will bear you up, lest you strike your foot against a stone.
13 You will tread on the lion and the adder; the young lion and the serpent you will trample underfoot.
14 “Because he holds fast to me in love, I will deliver him; I will protect him, because he knows my name.
15 When he calls to me, I will answer him; I will be with him in trouble;
I will rescue him and honor him.
16 With long life I will satisfy him and show him my salvation.”

96 thoughts on “Fellowship – February 16, 2016

  1. It is important the we plea the blood of Jesus daily over: Ourselves, Property, Windows, Doors, Automobiles, Pets — dedicate everything to the Lord. Ask the Lord to bless anything you bring into your dwelling — our food and water needs protection as well. Evil is escalating daily, and we need to keep our walk with the Lord clean. Ask the Lord for forgiveness daily and have the Holy Spirit reveal to you anything that he may find offensive.



    1. Interesting video, James. I was struck by this: the reporters are ignorant of the Bible and it shows in many places–for instance, the passage of this planet will kill all on the earth, it will cause another world-wide flood. We know these things couldn’t happen because of the Word. I do believe there is a possibility that the passage of this planet will cause the destruction of the 6th seal. According to Gill Broussard, it should already be visible to the naked eye, but I search the skies and see nothing. We are seeing some strange perturbations in our moon, though. ????? God knows, and He has given us enough “heads up” information that we will not have fear when/if this becomes apparent. Gill Broussard has estimated it’s close approach on March 26 this year. If he is correct, we should be seeing something soon.

      2 Timothy 1:7!

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    1. I posted it too, Peggy. Interesting. Haven’t taken it to prayer yet though.

      How you doin’ girlfriend? How big a wedding is it?
      : ) Christine


  2. This scripture psalm 91 was what gave strenght to the finnish army in 1939-40 defending against russian agression.

    That psalm has power and promise in it no other socalled holy writings can match.
    Only the bible can promise such things.

    Maybe i will post part 4 here tonight.

    Great job Jc you are bolstering spirit and unifying the ranks!

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  3. Hi all,

    I posted this morning on Z3 under two articles One is under James Bailey, Indian Chief article, the other under Pastor Faircloth, In the month of Red.

    I believe we have crossed over another milestone, marked by a Justice being taken away from us. In my heart I am sad. My spirit tells me we are coming into much more difficult times, a time of lawlessness, and great tribulation.

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  4. Speaking of waymarks, Nibiru means ‘point of crossing’ and ‘transition’. As I stated above, I believe one of those waymarks, pointing to transition, is the death of Justice Scalia. Maybe, Nibiru’s presence points to this very transition.

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    1. Very interesting, Karen Sue. When I heard the news about Scalia, I “knew” it was significant even though nothing was revealed in the natural. I do believe you may be right about this. God is revealing. Have you seen Ali’s post (above)?

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      1. I just signed on to the blog, haven’t read it yet. When you wrote you “knew”, that is our knower, our gut, our visceral response. That is like the I know that I know something…some perceive, some sense, some feel, some think…these are the ways we ascertain information above information.

        People would have to be unconscious to not question this. I mean, What?

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        1. Yes, Karen Sue. Happening more and more to me. We had a couple walk into our little church fellowship two weeks ago. All they do is talk about themselves. They’re so smart; they have insight; they teach but are “way up here” compared to everyone else. Aaugh. I heard, “This is the spirit of “I will”–Isaiah 14. I WILL BE HEARD; I WILL BE THE ONE WHO TALKS; I WILL MAKE YOU LISTEN TO ME. Oh man. Our little church is so peaceful and humble. See my enemy’s fingerprints all over this. Praying against that spirit, but not against the couple. Don’t know what the Lord will do here: either help them see, or help them find the door.

          Bless you, sister!

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          1. Pride gets in the way when people start referring to themselves and commanding an audience that’s about them, what they have done — Some refer to that as the “It’s all about me” crowd. Prayers indeed for that couple, so the blinders can be removed from their eyes. None of this is about “US”, it’s all about the Lord and bringing more to salvation for him.

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          2. You’ve got that right, James! I can tell you it’s mighty uncomfortable in these meetings since this couple showed up. They just talk and talk through our prayer meetings and Bible studies. Waiting for our Pastor to nip this in the bud. Until then, I’m praying for the spirit of I will to go south! Make him listen to worship music, Lord!

            : ) Christine

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  5. Very true statement Karen Sue – this is an incident that has been swept over the cliff very quickly and out of view before anyone has time to really think about the evil and significance of this incident. It manifests itself in so many ways but speaks volumes about the times were in and how far we have fallen.

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    1. I have seen two you tube vids about who would the next president chose for a Supreme Court appointee. In one case, it was brought up to Hillary about appointing Obama. I saw that about A WEEK AGO. The next was news commentary interview with Trump who was asked the same thing, more pointedly about Scalia, TWO days before Scalia had died. How incredibly odd is that?

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    2. Yes indeed Michael. Know what I call this? A SPIRITUAL TUNING FORK! Sometimes we just KNOW something’s not as it seems–the man just died peacefully in his sleep–even though there are no “facts” to support it. I’m thankful that the King is sharpening our awareness of this heavenly frequency. We all seem to be on the same page: something’s rotten here; there are dark forces behind this man’s death.


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      1. On Linda Clay’s article about abundance I posted a dream on Z3. The very first scene in the dream was a horse looking over a canyon or chasm. I noticed that his head hung down. I asked him, What are you doing? The horse spoke and said, Weeping.

        I felt very sad, profoundly sad. Since the death of Judge Scalia has been so strangely and professionally ‘bungled’ it brings the thought of the weeping horse to my mind, the dream given only a few days before.

        I love horses. I think they are such a magnificent animal and creation. I was so delighted to learn there were spirit horses as mentioned in Zechariah. They go to and fro reporting to the Lord what is going on in the earth.

        How fitting that I would encounter a dream horse that spoke?


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        1. Wonderful understanding of how the King uses animals to teach and comfort us, Karen Sue! I think (at least for me) part of the sadness is knowing we’re being lied to but having no power to change it. I used to love this country (not that long ago!) and now I see how evil it’s grown. Especially in our leadership–although the people demand the kind of leaders they’re comfortable with! Tells us the stink goes deep.

          God bless, sister


    1. The man had never been there. The man was invited. Don’t know who invited him there. Went quail shooting the day before. Felt good enough to make the engagement. No answer at the first knock. Second knock came with two people that entered the room to find the man dead. Pillow over head? Conflicting reports? Cinderela pronounces natural cause of death over the phone on the strength of what? Cuz it’s legal to do that in Texas? O my. This was a Supreme Court Justice. Doesn’t that require a bit more? I don’t know? Texas is the wild west, still.

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  6. 1st on a happy note – TY James for posting the video with the African Children’s Choir. It was so awesome. Don’t you want to just hug and give smoochies on all those precious little faces? Well I do, I loved it.

    No for the serious stuff. Someone sent me this post. Has anyone heard anything else about the False Prophet’s visit in Mexico?


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    1. I hadn’t heard anything about Franky in Mexico. Wow! You can tell he’s getting ready for the big announcement Linda had mentioned in her blogs — that was about Aliens. That’s too be expected by the False Prophet. Him and Obumbum are doing a good job preparing for their new role soon.


      1. Re (soon to come announcement) from FP. I read/saw a video recently about this getting ready to happen. I hesitate to share some of the stuff I run across…

        Side note:
        I watched a video yesterday that confirmed everything I feel is pending.

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  7. Sorry for my fiction audience but maybe part 4 of the B2 brigade will arrive tomorrow first.

    Sorry for Michael who bought popcorn already waiting for it:-(

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    1. Saw it, James. Excellent post and YES it applies to this couple with the “I” syndrome. One of the things we can count on at this point: if a fellowship is Bible-believing, born-again and praying, satan is gonna show up!

      : [ Christine

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    1. The stench from the pit is becoming quite noticeable more often and is growing at a rapid pace. Too many things are lining up with One World Government, One World Currency & One World Religion. Unless people repent and turn to the Lord– People have warned that there is going to be global chaos, and probably a lot of dirty under-britches when things unfold to the point people can no longer bury their heads in the sand.


      1. Thanks for sharing that Stig-Ove. I would not be surprised if the U.S. Fort Knox is just an empty building at this point — no Gold to back up any money. Yep — it’s the New World Order in process with One World Banking system gearing up.


  8. Part 4 of the exciting adventures of the B2 squad here and now.

    Mike pressed the pedal and driving as as fast as he dared with his precious moonshine cargo along the treacherous swamp roads of the Everglades. The light had disappeared behind the thick overgrowth of the swamp and Mikes buddy Marvin said we lost it huh huh.

    They continued along the road until suddenly they saw an clearing ahead where Mike knew IF they make IT there its just a few Miles to the mainroad!

    But suddenly his trusty truck just died everything Went black all Gauges and meters dropping to zero.

    What now thought Mike this truck just 450000 Miles on it Almost new he Even changed oils last week.
    Mikes buddy Marvin took his trusty remington shotgun out from under the bench and said whats up boss? This Aint right!

    Mikes car stopped after the momentum was gone and he grabbed for his flashlight and noticed IT was dead too no light.

    He squinted up above the clearing and remembered his mothers painting by an author named Vicki Devine which was named divine light in the dark. The sky looked just like that now except…..the moon was coming towards them!

    Marvin screamed suddenly and Held his head and shouted they are here THEY ARE IN MY HEAD! Help me Mike he dropped his shotgun and fell down on the road his eyewhites Rolling back and talking something that sounded like mad gibberish.

    Mike looked at his friend and was about to help him When he was bathed in an sudden bright light from above, he froze and started to talk to himself and calling out to his Mommy and daddy and all he could remember. But he could not makehimself move IT was like something held him in an iron grip.

    He could but helplessly stare as the light proceeded to land on the road ahead, he could see the form of an circular object that looked like in the center what was wheel in middle of a wheel.
    Marvin writhed on the ground beside him in what looked like horror unspoken. And then When he turned back an circular object bathed in light had landed on the road and still he couldnt move Even IF every Fiber in his body Said Run anywhere anywhere!

    What then transpired as he listened to Marvins gibberish on the side of him that sounded like Apollyon Apollyon cometh save Us, save us…..and then he continued in gibberish.
    Then something opened on the object and 3 shapes exited out of the craft. Mike squinted against the light into what looked like humanoid shapes walking towards him, immensely huge. One was pushing 9 feet broad like a Texas barndoor, the second was more human with a well proportioned body and the third was thin like a Montanan woodsman after winter with an bulbous head like nothing he saw before!

    The reek of sulphur and rotten eggs floated towards him as they approached his friend Marvin had apparently passed out. Then he suddenly felt an dark consciousness vast and evil beyond anything he could describe talk to him inside his head.

    Little human little unrealised image of him that cannot be named. You have been given an honor to be the messenger of him that is to come the noble one of the coming race!
    We have selected you because you are undefiled by the Word(the pronounciation of the Word ended in a hissing sound).

    We are to Usher in a New age where all humanity is as one and the noble one rules as lord of lords and no one can challenge him.
    Serve Us and you will reap the bounties of an whirlwind of sensation and pleasure, and you will one day be as a god. He heard an vast echo like a laughter in his head and even with a promise like this Mike felt something was wrong.
    His mind and body felt tainted and the speakers minds touch felt like a cesspool of filth in his mind like a pool of waste Oil.

    I am Azazel the bringer and teacher of delight, My master the protector of mankind known by many names and he has chosen you to be his messenger.
    I was released to do what i always done no one can deny me. Even since the days of Thoth(Enoch) i have existed so what do you say little image will you accept my tutorship and the pleasures they will bring??

    Mikes consciousness was almost overwhelmed by all this When he remembered or something touched his spirit from the artwork of Vicki Devine….the central message of IT Jesus Christ…….

    Part 5 continues later

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    1. Stig-ove,
      FANTASTIC! This one was more illustrative/prophetic of coming times, I believe. Of course, I believe it was Christine that mentioned that Part 3 had a possible prophetic edge to it. It is a useful narrative. Truly it reminded me in part of Linda Clay’s latest article on Z3news which describes evil actually swallowing people up.



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    2. Ah, Stig-Ove, on the edge of my seat here! The story unfolds! Yes, THEY ARE HERE! Just not revealed to everyone’s eyes yet. Shelter us under your wing, Jesus!

      Excellent, my brother! Hoping Mike holds onto the ROCK!!!!!

      : ) Christine

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    3. WOW that was intense!!! Which is how I feel after the Lord paints through me. And yes, the central message is Jesus Christ, submission and obedience.


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    4. Part 5 the going gets tough for Mike but he calls tougher!

      The mind of Mike felt violated like 100s of burning needles stinging his brain. He saw images of glories and conquests through history that defied imagination.
      YES said that booming voice in his head, bow to me and all this and more will be yours, it takes but one little word yes….SAY it to me LET me in and you will be something greater than almost any man of power in history!

      Mikes mind and soul was almost spent in this onslaught of dark power when the image of an white dove entered his mind; it said my son call on me and you will be saved, perish not with the world. Conquering it you will loose your soul.
      Mike remembered the artwork of Vicky Devine but could only remember the name of the conquering king; JESUS CHRIST!

      He staggered for a while and he noticed his nose was bleeding profusely, too much. The sense of violation multiplied he felt images of serpents and dragons stinging and enveloping him in fire. Eternity passed in those few seconds when he was almost spent spitting blood on the ground he whispered Jesus Christ help me. SAVE ME he yelled with his last strenght.

      Suddenly there was like a rush of wind and he felt the pressure on his mind leave and a soothing voice in his head like a pleasant relaxing serenade. MY SON YOU HAVE BEEN CALLED….WASTE NOT YOUR LIFE ON TRIVIALITIES BUT BECOME A FISHER OF MEN! You have been given time to reveal what the enemy has shown you, do it or not your father in heaven awaits you once you cross the timeline of your APPOINTED DAY. Be at peace now.

      Mike felt relaxed now but he heard an booming commanding dark voice who shouted; YOU FOOL YOU HAVE DOOMED YOURSELF BY ACCEPTING REFUGE FROM THE NAZARENE!

      At these words he heard an machine humming and the light diminished and slowly fading away, he saw Marvin moving also and he looked fine now!

      What had been left in Mikes mind after the encounter was a biblical passage and the image of an man burned into his memory like an brand of marking for horses.

      Time was running out the DARK MAN was coming and he would destroy mightily! The soothing voice had left one thing on Mikes mind you are to call men and women out of the world by my HOLY WORD THE BIBLE! Time is running out the FULNESS OF THE GENTILES IS ALL BUT HERE……

      So ends part 5

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      1. Part 6 coming your way like Amtraks 1 mile train!

        Tannhauser swallowed When the last words of Mike left his lips, The times of the gentiles are coming to an end.
        That was the last sermon he heard as an young man in his last church service he participated in almost 20 years ago. His grandmother had Said to him Argo ze time is short remember zis matter as you Go to ze school to become ze agent of ze government.
        Her german accent was thick but she had always spoken only when she saw IT necessary, he respected the old lady and IT remained in his memory.

        JC the guy he labeled Eastwood said with his voice attuned with an conviction and gravitas that would have altered courses of planets.

        We who are gathered here tonight have seen and read what the world is coming too! IT is not a matter of when but how it will happen. The pieces are in place and the board has been set since the garden of Eden. The manuscript of history begins in Genesis and ends in revelation. That is the frame, all else is just sideshow.

        The picture that i hold was given to us by an pair of people WHO Roam the interweb by the names of Kenzel and Sonnshine. They have information that makes many an University pale.
        We have known that you would come mr Tannhauser your Face was shown in a dream to Deb here some months ago and we were prompted to meet here in Mikes place because she saw that you Argo would be a critically important man in the times to come When the persecution commences.

        Yes persecution mr Tannhauser IT will come and IT will sweep the land like nothing you imagined,IT will be global the European stepped in! All those knowing the reality of Christ will be tested and a few will find refuge and the Holy Spirit has told me that an person like you will save thousands because he knows your ancestry and your kin and that within your family is generations of obedience to the spreading of the gospel!

        IT is not by mistake that you are of german ancestry mr Tannhauser because within the Very bureau you work for are groups of devilish power and affiliation that are your kinsmen in blood.
        So now soon you will be shown incontroversial evidence that the government you serve will and is your enemy, remember you swore an oath to defend against enemies foreign and Domestic!

        The European continued we gathered here have been given the final push out of our complacency and comfort zone by the work of our sister you named B2 to spread to all listening and hearing the gospel of Jesus Christ because the time is short and we in our heart are ready to give our time and Energy Even our life if the Lord so deems to save people out of eternal death and misery to eternal life and joy in the Lord Jesus Christ.

        So now My brother JC and Peg here will lead you through the basic gospels and biblical proof of the dark man WHO will lead everybody not saved into eternal damnation!
        Be not sullen mr Tannhauser Said Mike our Lord has overcome the world and nothing the enemy does can overcome that, just dont let him take you along to Hell with him! Mike comradely put his hand on Argos shoulder, listen to JC And Peg before you will see the evidence before your Very eyes, take My bible and follow along. Today is a day When you brother Argo will be born again, for eternity!

        Tannhauser was silent this was overwhelming his training and conditioning as an agent was powerless against this and the prayers earlier had unlocked something inside him he hadnt felt since Young When his grandparents prayed for him!

        Deb,Peg and JC and the European beheld him with looks that he now knew were strenghtened by something more he knew IT was not merely Faith IT was the Holy Spirit that stone through their eyes.

        He bowed his head and prayed with conviction the first time in 20 years as Peg and JC commenced Reading from scripture. He felt protected he felt New he felt no more empty inside, and he heard the voice of such loving warmth inside him as he prayed; Argo welcome back your life has Began anew, strenghten yourself and gird your loins with truth shared freely because you are about to thread in dens of snakes and scorpions you formerly called friends.

        Part 6 reached Branson main station, reading commenced 😄

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        1. Great day, Stig-Ove! Fabulous exploits of the end-time saints! I’m just loving it, brother-mine! What affect are these yarns you’re writing having in your spirit?



    1. Part 6— EXCELLENT!!

      Hey Stig— one little observation.
      What happened to Christine?
      She was no where to be found in Parts 5 or 6?
      She is a POWERFUL woman for Christ Jesus.

      Perhaps she is just hidden away for now to make a GRAND APPEARANCE in PART 7…..


      1. See my response under Stig-Ove’s special section, Peggy! I think perhaps the King has me in the back room praying my fool head off while all of you are out there doing your exploits!

        Ha ha ha ha ha. . . .



  9. Re: Stig’s Story Part 4-

    I’m glad I wasn’t there to meet up with THIS one:

    “the third was thin like a Montanan woodsman after winter with an bulbous head like nothing he saw before!”

    AND— how CREATIVE about the Word pronunciation ending in a “hissing sound”—very characteristic of “the serpent”— SMOOTH-tongued and HISSING!

    “you are undefiled by the Word(the pronounciation of the Word ended in a hissing sound).:

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  10. Agreed Stig-Ove – you may be called to write this as Peggy mentioned and distribute to your people – Your word imagery …… BRAVO – next chapter, Christine, Peggy and Deb build a cabin in 2 days and Vicki hangs her artwork LOL while JC goes to town for supplies – will he return ???? LOL this is great stuff Stig-Ove !!!!

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        1. Stig-Ove, may the Lord continue to give you strength and healing in Jesus name. Amen.

          I don’t remember what type of work you do.

          As for the Chocolate, I’ll just take the virtual ones; otherwise I’d have to buy bigger stretch pants — LOL 🙂


  11. Well I THOUGHT I commented on part 4 & 5, Stig-Ove, but I don’t see either of them! They’re wonderful! Imaginative, inspired and entertaining. Write a book, Stig! What a great way to leave the Gospel message behind!

    That’s my BROTHER folks! So happy to know him!

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    1. Christine, that happens to me sometimes as well. I think WordPress either goes down, or the system times out? I don’t have anything showing up on my Admin screen telling me something needed approval. I notice that sometimes when I hit “Post Comment” — WordPress does not respond right away. I can see the icon letting me know it’s still “working”.


    2. Time will not allow to write a book. Im fully employed with family&children.

      But i wont deny that i thought sometimes about it.

      But if the Lord sends the calling i will. Im sensing that my health will not hold too long in my current job.


      1. Stig-ove,
        I understand about sensing a health concern, however

        Think about this: (and I’m speaking to myself here, too)
        You have the authority to do that.
        Get a collection of healing Scriptures. That’s the MEDICINE. The GOS-PILL (Gospel).
        It doesn’t matter what it looks like or feels like, or what the Doctors (just in PRACTICE) says. Every NAME (including “dis-ease”) MUST BOW to the Name of JESUS CHRIST.

        Keep speaking those Scriptures. Do not doubt. Do not give up.
        They are full of supernatural power. They are supernatural SEEDS from your SEED CATALOG, THE HOLY BIBLE. They WILL give a HARVEST!


        1. In agreement with you sister. I like that “Seed Catalog” and about the harvest. Awesome 🙂 Like you shared with me and many others, I believe in the Lords power of complete healing and his works are far greater than anything that Doctors may be telling us. Blessings Peggy.




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  12. I work as a forklift driver, been doing that for almost 20 years. Its the lower back that takes the hits mostly.
    Most WHO drive forklifts are more or less crippled by 60! I know several under 50 WHO have had back surgery at My workplace.


    1. I sure know the pains of Lower Back problems Stig-Ove. I had severe ones a few weeks ago. They’ve pinpointed mine to bad disks and the pain is from Sciatica. Glad those have subsided. The last time in wiped me out for over a week and I was hardly able to walk. I know the Lord healed me from this last event. I have nobody here to help me. My Dog is a great companion, but his normal routines are sleeping most of the day 🙂


    2. Oh, I see Stig-ove, but let me play “devil’s advocate.”

      Do THEY know their authority in Jesus? Do they know the POWER of the HOLY WORD? That’s where you can totally “beat” those statistics!

      Yes, the Bible is a SEED CATALOG. Look through that Seed Catalog for the Holy Seed that you need. Plant those seeds, KNOWING that you will get a crop. By planting, I mean SPEAK IT OUT DAILY, maybe 1/2 hour a day for a 1/2 hour of various HEALING PROMISES. Personalize them.

      Faith comes by HEARING, and hearing, and hearing the WORD, and we really do get an impression when we hear ourselves SPEAK IT.

      (And pray for a CROP FAILURE of any bad seeds planted, or seeds planted with doubt into questionable soil).

      God watches after HIS WORD to perform it. God responds to SEED, not need. (And I’m preaching to myself here, too!)

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  13. Stig-Ove, I am offering to create a blog posting for your stories — 6 in total so far. Would be a great place to keep them together and add more later. Think of a title for the Blog Posting and I will gladly set this up. I’ll even add any pictures that you want too, just send me an email with them so I can upload them to the blog.

    Blessings Bro.


    1. A name you say, well let the people suggest here and what finds most support we choose!

      Its a good idea and i am flattered that you offer this, im not used to being acknowledged. Its just this basic finnish modesty i guess.

      Suggestions of My own. The adventurous life of the believer, the kingdom of God is inside every believer.
      Adventures of the born again in Christ. Last one sounds good but suggestions please! You are as much part of this as i am, im but a cog in the wheel 😄

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      1. Just one Brainstorm idea:

        (for the benefit of EVERY Human Soul at this critical juncture in human history; HIS STORY- Our Lord and Savior JESUS CHRIST]
        [leave a link to Linda’s Blog*]
        Penned by Stig-ove, man of Finland


    1. Stig,
      The link wouldn’t bother Linda. She has CLOSED ALL COMMENTS.
      There’s no way to post them there. However, all of her 137 or so “articles” and comments are there for ANYONE to review, and she has really
      “Top of the Line” information and inspiration!

      Linda did a TREMENDOUS amount of work on that blog!

      The original friends in the story were formed at “B2.”
      Now more friends are forming in “JC Land.”

      Now, Stig, hopefully I have understood your question correctly…….Peggy


  14. Well Christine i have almost my whole life been an extremely extreme introvert. To me the older i get the more naturally my thoughts flow to paper.

    I feel in my spirit like im hyper aware of things but it limits even more my interaction with people on a social level.

    I have a tendency to overwhelm people or not notice them at all because my life runs around facts and feats om imagination.

    If people talk about sports i can think about scriptural evidences of pre adamic civilization or such.

    Being here at this blog is natural to me im like a whale in the sea just getting air on the outside from time to time.

    Does it answer your question?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Wow, Stig-Ove, a “whale in the sea getting air on the outside from time to time.” GREAT description! When I read your stories, I imagine the synapses in your brain that the King touches one at a time! He lights them up and gives you these images that you put down on paper. I’m in awe of His skill, and your ability to transmit!

      Bless you, Stig-Ove. Take Peggy’s words to heart and pray the Word over your back issues!

      : ) Christine

      Liked by 1 person

      1. If i could paint a picture on the word advice it would be the startpage of jc southwest blog and believeacts2 in the dictionary.


    1. James, where did this audio report come from? I’m wondering who’s speaking and if we can access a website to give us more information.



      1. Linda emailed me the video about Obumbum today 2/18/16. The video has this information on it:
        Published on Oct 30, 2015
        Jay Hudson, Mena Lee Grebin, Glenda Jackson, Shannon Johnson, Todd Napier
        The last President Barack Obama


        1. OK James. Thank you. I will view Linda’s post, above. Think I’ve “known” in my spirit that this election circus is smoke and mirrors. Absolutely NO interest in any of these shenanigans!

          : )


          1. Christine, I am with you — I think this whole election process is just a show. One could even look at it like a long skit from the show “Saturday Night Live”.


  15. Usa is bringing Stryker apcs to Rissala, niinisalo and raasepori in Finland for exercises along with airplanes. I was in army at raasepori!

    Very worrying news, where is that warning by Bette Peggy And jc talked about?


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