The Lord Calls His Children

The purpose of this post is to assist a sister in Christ named Vicki.  The Lord has given her an amazing gift of painting.  Maybe she will be led to supply some information about this gift and a story behind each one of these paintings. 

2 Corinthians 9:15 
Thank God for his gift that words can’t describe!

The wages that sin pays are death, but God’s gift is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.

Romans 12

Because of the grace that God gave me, I can say to each one of you: don’t think of yourself more highly than you ought to think. Instead, be reasonable since God has measured out a portion of faith to each one of you. We have many parts in one body, but the parts don’t all have the same function. In the same way, though there are many of us, we are one body in Christ, and individually we belong to each other. We have different gifts that are consistent with God’s grace that has been given to us. If your gift is prophecy, you should prophesy in proportion to your faith. If your gift is service, devote yourself to serving. If your gift is teaching, devote yourself to teaching. If your gift is encouragement, devote yourself to encouraging. The one giving should do it with no strings attached. The leader should lead with passion. The one showing mercy should be cheerful.


“Dancing In The Spirit”


© 2016 Vicki Kehr. All rights reserved.

“His Glory”


© 2016 Vicki Kehr. All rights reserved.

On Fire For Jesus

On Fire for Jesus ORIGINAL SCANNED (499x640)

© 2016 Vicki Kehr. All rights reserved.

Burning The Torch For Righteousness

Isaiah 62-1 Burning the Torch for  Righteousness (640x447)

© 2016 Vicki Kehr. All rights reserved.

“I Am Yours”

I am Yours (640x480)

© 2016 Vicki Kehr. All rights reserved.

“Honoring His Watchful Servant”


37 thoughts on “The Lord Calls His Children

  1. Stars and space with an woman maybe the bride surrounded by what looks like paths or buildings. I have sometimes studied about subliminal messages and perhaps even unconscious messages embedded into paintings, and i think there might be a LOT of that IF one could look at the original with a magnifying glass.

    Clearly a Nice painting but i myself am inclined towards more martial painting, lets just say beautiful painting with a womans soulful touch.

    I like but the art school escapes me, dancing in the spirit on the pathway of God, going through the universe on the winged grace of God within his bride the church.

    Is that an accurate description i ask the artist?

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Good Morning…
    God bless you James…for you are moving the Lords work forward. May we all press on in Jesus Name and for His glory! Amen
    Let me introduce myself, my name is Vicki Kehr, from Pennsylvania…USA. I’m a beloved daughter of Christ and I’m a wife, mother and grandmother. I work for the Lord.
    What I’m not is an artist.
    Briefly…I paint in the Spirit, that is, I’m led completely and totally by the Holy Spirit. Until approx. 2 years ago I never painted anything other than “paint by numbers”. That was when I was a kid and I might mention I didn’t do that very well. Any drawing I did was either in art class or with my children and grandchildren and it was in stick form only. Smiling here…if the truth were known, I probably flunked art class. LOL!!!
    I was at an all time low in my life when the Lord took over my life. His purpose was to show me His love and mercy. He does that well, doesn’t He!
    My first painting was to teach me submission and obedience. My plea had been for peace in my life. I was granted that peace and so much more, more then I could have ever imagined. There is no replacement for the love of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Nothing can replace the love I feel from Him and have for Him!!!
    My testimony in its entirety will be posted on my soon to come blog. This blog like my paintings will be Holy Spirit led. My paintings and my blog are to glorify the Lord. Both paintings and blog are in His timing. So I don’t know when that blog will be up and running. I’m waiting for Holy Spirit to lead.

    The paintings are truly spirit led. I use a special paper called Yupo paper. I pray over my paper and over the paints. When I begin to add color to the paper there isn’t any form. In other words, I don’t decide to paint a specific image. I don’t decide anything. I don’t even decide to paint on any given day. I listen for the Holy Spirit to say, “You’re painting today”. So as I add the directed colors and begin to move them around, an image appears. It manifests. I then have to define that image. My first painting took me months to complete as I instinctively knew I was being schooled in obedience. However, I’m not an artist. So I didn’t know the basics about drawing or painting. I would cry often, trying to stretch myself into doing what I was directed to do. I sometimes debated with God. I would say, “I can’t do that, I don’t know how to do that”. He was gentle with me, giving me time and sometimes I knew He was laughing at my words and whining. I felt Him with me through that whole (first painting) experience. He was very clear about what He wanted me to do. The results are a child-like painting of an Angel but nevertheless, she is a beautiful child-like Angel. There was a lesson for me in that first painting and all that I have painted since. However, the first painting was the one where I first experienced the presence of the Holy Spirit. Now when I paint, I’m so deep in His presence that I have no idea of time or sounds around me, I’m literally in a spirit induced place….a beautiful place. Usually when I finish a painting, I’m overwhelmed with gratitude and I’m reduced to tears.
    Dancing in the Spirit” is my most recent painting. This painting is a very important part of my journey. She teaches me and confirms for me the Lords direction.
    Ephesians 6:11(KJV) says, “Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil”.
    She is a Warrior for God. And she speaks, “For I have not been given a Spirit of timidity”. This Warrior is “Dancing in the Spirit” making herself ready for battle. The Lord is showing me I need to get ready for battle.
    The message I’ve been given is, I’m to go out and teach TRUTH and be BOLD for the “time is near”.
    So yes Stig-Ove, “Dancing in the Spirit” is on the pathway of God, going through the universe on the winged grace of God within His Bride the church. YES, YES…He’s teaching me just that!
    Stig-Ove, Many times when I complete a painting and it’s shown to others a description of what they see is given. I love that the Lord speaks to each of us in a different way (about the same thing). I believe this is His intention…we will all take something different away from His work of art, be touched by them individually. And also be drawn closer to Him knowing He’s in the painting. They’re not of the flesh but of and by the Holy Spirit.
    The Lord speaks to me through my paintings, He teaches me through my paintings.
    He is the Artist…Amen & Amen
    Blessings to all,
    I can explain the “His Glory” from my perspective at a later time, maybe today. Please feel free to add what you see, what you feel from this painting.

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  3. Absolutely BEAUTIFUL and inspired art. Thank you for posting this for Vicki and thank you Vicki for sharing with us. It will be AMAZING as you set up your blog, Vicki, which may need to have a “store” in case people want to either purchase one of your paintings, or commission you to paint as the Holy Spirit leads. You may even be asked if you have prints that can be purchased. 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

      1. I want to add to my comment above and response to Linda.

        As of now, I really think I’m not suppose to sell these paintings. The Lord is the artist, not me. I haven’t put a lot of thought into selling them. I must pray about that. I do know however that I am to share them so that others may be blessed as I have been. This type of art must speak to a person. It must bring one of the following or all of the following…healing, love or even confirmation of something in your life as it has me. I believe that’s the intention. As of now…If I were to ask for any amount of money it would be to cover the cost of printing and mailing.

        I must pray about this asking for direction! I also will need to get my blog up and running, so for now that’s also a prayer for direction.

        Many Blessings to all,

        Liked by 1 person

  4. Yes James…that is correct. At the time this painting came to me I had ask the artist who also paints in the Spirit to show me some basics. We sat for awhile working on shadowing. Then she challenged me to paint with her standing by my side. WOW that was hard because she IS an artist!!! This is the painting that came from that lesson. It was when I first realized the Holy Spirit was going to use the paintings for His glory.

    At the time, I felt of the painting was a continuation of healing power for me, I still do but it also shows your description, “the Lord pouring out the Holy Spirit on our entire earth”. I feel this is an example of what is going on right now, like never before.

    My paintings always lead me to scripture…John 1:32 – And John bare record, saying, I saw the Spirit descending from heaven like a dove, and it abode upon him.

    Abode in Hebrew means – to sit, remain, dwell. When we submit to the Lord and enter into a relationship with Him His Spirit sits, dwells, remains in us as we obey His direction, His will. What He is Himself He wants for us.

    Before this painting the few others Holy Spirit had painted through me were to heal me…and oh how he healed my brokenness. He fast forwarded me into joy and peace blocking out anything that was intended to hurt me. He gave me new ears to hear and new eyes to see. Some of the hurt and pain caused by years of abuse as a child were erased. What’s left is used to feel others pain. I’m sure so I can relate and help others.


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    1. Vicki, what a wonderful gift you have received from Our Lord. Honestly what I want to say is “YOU GO GIRL”!

      I really can relate to your journey as I experienced a similar one in music. Stepping out of the boat takes great faith and courage. Ah but, the end result of that obedience is so fulfilling and healing.

      Bless you as you continue to walk according to the Holy Spirit’s direction. May His divine will be done in your life.

      In Him,

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    2. Vicki, I’m sitting here amazed that I did a word study of “abide” just yesterday. We must “abide” in Him–the Greek “meno” meaning to dwell with, to follow the King’s example of being obedient to the will of God; to be in a state that begins and continues and MAY OR MAY NOT end or stop. I asked the Lord for clarification here. How can it “stop” Lord if no one and nothing can snatch us out of your Hand? I heard: if it DOES stop, it means we are no longer abiding and obedient to God’s will. It’s not that the Holy Spirit leaves us, just that we quench Him in our lives while we “do our own thing.”
      I then prayed for the grace to never again quench (I wandered far from Him for a period of time and returned to “abiding” in 2001.) And here I’m looking at this beautiful painting you did in the Spirit of the Holy Spirit abiding in Yeshua. Wow, Vicki, feel that He’s speaking to me here.

      Thank you for sharing your art with us! What a wonderful story of how this came about! I feel that way when I sing in the Spirit in my prayer language–it’s volitional, but I’m transported to this peaceful and beautiful place, and my VOICE is like nothing I can duplicate in the natural. Praise God for His diverse gifts! Praise God for the way He pours Himself out for us and on us!

      Be blessed, Vicki, a hundred-fold for how you’ve blessed us!

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  5. Hi James, have a ? for you.  I posted a comment on this post.  It looks like it posted right away.  Do you screen these 1st like Linda does? 

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Thank you for that question Deb. I was wondering the same. My posts have posted right always as well.

        Thank you James…glad to hear you will protect us !!! SMILING!!!!


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  6. Wow, Vicki!!!
    The paintings are absolutely BEAUTIFUL. Also, your insights are wonderful.
    It’s so interesting that you have no background in being an artist.
    That really shows that God is in it!

    How many paintings have you done so far?
    I LOVE all the “rainbow” beautiful colors in “His Glory.”
    (His TRUE rainbow; not the counterfeit used by the LGBT agenda…)

    May God richly bless you as you continue in obedience to Him.
    May many be healed, set free, and delivered through viewing and contemplating the paintings.

    Keep up the fabulous work!!

    Much Love to You in His Mighty Name,
    P.S. James, thanks for posting, and I’m glad you left the link to this on Linda’s blog!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank You Peggy… there are twelve paintings. Nine were painted in 2014. Only two in 2015. We began the process of moving the end of 2014. From that point in time until just recently I was not moved to paint. I’ve ask and I’ve prayed, I even tried to paint on my own two weeks ago…ha ha! This is is how I know I’m not the artist. At least two of my paintings are more of me than the Holy Spirit. One of them I know, he allowed me to play. I’ve learned that the Lord has a sense of humor or at the very least he appreciates mine.

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  7. Vicki. I loved your story. And look what He does with a broken heart turned to Him. Wow I just get fired up when He transforms His people like He did you. You will turn hearts to Him. The spirit is moving so fast in these days. Beautiful job sister. Bless you as you move in His light.

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  8. I copied over this comment from Vicki from a prior posting and it’s related to one of the new paintings shown above.
    The name of it is “Burning the touch for Righteousness”.
    After this painting I was led to the following scripture:

    The painting came first…then the scripture.
    Isaiah 62:1

    [1] For Zion’s sake will I not hold my peace, and for Jerusalem’s sake I will not rest, until the righteousness thereof go forth as brightness, and the salvation thereof as a lamp that burneth.

    I have read many a commentary on this scripture and feel following says it best, that is as the message meant for me. Michael, you may feel this also.

    The Commentary – The Son of God here (in Isaiah 62: 1 assures his church of his unfailing love, and his pleading for her under all trails and difficulties.

    I believe the Lord was showing me (in the mentioned painting) that He will burn the torch for each of us until the very end. Telling me I waited for you, for me, and will wait for all who burn their torch for me.

    I was saved when I was a little girl but had turned away on and off for most of my life. I believe because of the circumstances I was raised under the Lord knew deep in my heart I was burning a torch for Him that never went out completely. He waited for me to fall to my knees and when I did He picked me up and showed me how much He loved me, how much He loves us all.

    I am His servant!

    To God all the Glory and Honor…AMEN



    1. Thank you James for posting the paintings!

      I’d like to share my experience with painting “On Fire for Jesus”.

      After several paintings (3 or 4 others) all of which I struggled with and all of which took me weeks/days to complete (remember I’m not the artist), I was given a break. Painting serves to restore me, make me whole (according to His will) and teach me many lessons…not to mention inserting Peace, Joy & Fire into my life. Up until the point that I started painting, I couldn’t remember the last time I had joy in my life…or if I ever really did. I think I merely existed, even as a child. This gift He brought to my life had also added JOY…which in turn added FIRE!

      I was feeling the fire burning in me and I was sharing it with anyone who would listen. There weren’t many because I was closed off from most…I believe I was being protected, held back from being around certain people at that point. But I was jumping out of myself with the fire burning in me. And you can imagine, I was Praising the Lord in a whole new way.

      Luke 24:32 (KJV) They said to each other, “Did not our hearts burn within us while he talked to us on the road, while he opened to us the Scriptures”?

      One day the Lord afforded me a vacation from the struggles and the lessons while I was painting. He presented this image; it was different from the other paintings. Different because the images weren’t ever in their entirety, this painting was.

      Another very important difference, it was the first time (I realized) I was taken to a place, a spiritual place where I had no idea of time, no sounds around me and no sight of anything but what was in front of me. Later I felt like I had just woke up and what I saw was this painting. I cried because I was so filled up, from the tip of my head to the tip of my toes with love, joy & peace…the Holy Spirit. It also served as a time in my life where the ugly past started to melt away. I had new eyes to see and new ears to hear. I was wrapped in my Kings Love and protection. And I had a Fire burning in me that still burns today. Another difference, it only took me 5 hours to paint her vs. weeks/days. The gift was swiftly and gently given!

      She looks back at me with some sadness in her eyes but I can feel the joy in her heart. There were no struggles painting her, no difficulty with defining her. It was all provided. Her hair was a minor challenge but that stands to reason, my hair is always a challenge. This makes me laugh even now. Oh how the Lord knows us and everything little thing about us. But also…I believe the sadness in her eyes is confirmation of the sadness in my past and also at that point in my present life. At this point I had already started to realize (with each painting) that the Lord was creating miracle after miracle and that anything was possible. Amen!

      Since this painting I have returned to the Holy Spirits School of Lessons and so I’m still painting and learning lessons and taking days and yes sometimes week/months to complete a painting.

      There is one more painting (to date) that was given in hours…I’ll share Him another time.

      Dear Heavenly Father, Thank You for working in our lives in ways that create miracles, in ways that serve to show Your love and ever faithfulness to us and in us. Thank You for Your sacrifice so we may be forgiven of our sins and be healed. Thank You for being in us and around us. I praise You Lord for all Your many gifts. May we always use Your love and devotion to us to glorify only You and honor You…AMEN

      I have to say this…Please forgive my spelling/grammar/punctuation, it’s not what it should be, I know. No excuses, but truly my years in school and as a child were spent trying to survive. I do the best I can.

      Peace, Love and Blessing,

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      1. Vicki, thank you so much for sharing stories, testimony and prayer. No need to worry about correctness in punctuation or anything else, I know I’m not perfect in that area either 🙂

        Amen & Amen to that prayer.

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      2. Precious, wholesome testimony, dear Vicki! Oh how blessed we are that you’ve joined our little odd-for-God group! You paint the images, Stig-Ove creates word pictures, James is our chaplain, and the rest of my spirit-filled brothers and sisters drink Him in and pour forth His wisdom! What more could I ask for?


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      3. Absolutely beautiful post and explanation, Vicki.
        It is helping me a lot, as something similar has been prophesied over me by a number of people, but in the area of MUSIC.
        However, there is a difference, in that I was trained in music in real life.

        I know the Holy Spirit in operation transcends all traditional training, and that is what I pray will happen with me, so I can fulfill my calling.

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  9. We have all been blessed by our King of Kings and by each other.
    Thank you Christine for you kind words and for welcoming me.

    Love & many Blessings to all,

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  10. Peggy, I love hearing and I’m sure the Lord loves hearing that His expression of love through these paintings are helpful to you. I believe that is the Lord’s intention. It’s been prophesied (several times) over me that my paintings will be used according to God’s will to help & heal others.

    We should all join Peggy in pray asking Holy Spirit to give her vision & knowledge to move forward using her gifts in music to glorify our Lord, Jesus Christ. AMEN

    Love & Blessings,

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Amen to this, lovejohn316! Our King never stops amazing us with his outpouring of love and gifts. Just look at what He’s revealed to us in this little band of brothers and sisters: Vicki’s paintings; Stig-Ove’s story-telling; Peggy’s music; James & Linda’s incredible ear for His voice and willingness to share it and the love of all of us who glean so very much from all of it. My heart overflows.

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    1. You’re so funny Stig-Ove…I like your sense of humor.! See this face :-), that’s as good as it get when it comes to me drawing or painting anything….hehe! We’ll have to hire an artist to paint that picture.

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  11. “I am Yours” was the second Angel the Lord gave me. My first painting is an Angel and then this one came next. It’s no coincidence that I receive these two paintings.

    I had been praying for Angels to surround me and this is what was given to me. I was in a place of torment and this was the beginning of my healing. Today I’m certain the Lords first order of business was to show me He was by my side in a way new to me and like nothing I had ever experienced before. Ha…but first he had to teach me submission and obedience. That came with the first painting “My Angel of Peace” along with a 5 page explanation (that he also instructed me write). He’s my amazing Lord and Savior!

    This was back in the spring of 2014. Both of these gifts have served as the beginning of a process to heal me, Mind, Body and Spirit.

    John 15:16 – “You did not choose Me but I chose you, and appointed you that you would go and bear fruit, and that your fruit would remain, so that whatever you ask of the Father in My name He may give to you.

    After reading the prayer request from Srig-Ove I’m being led to share this painting for anyone who needs this Holy Spirit image.

    “Release her to be copied and printed for anyone who would like”….says the Lord.

    This Angel is a gift for anyone who is led by the Holy Spirit to copy and print her. “I am Yours” is speaking to you. “I am Yours”.


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  12. No words right now while soaking in these posts and the story behind these awesome paintings. They just cause us to sit at His feet while the spirit takes our words to Him. Thinking it’s been maybe 2.5 months since I’ve been on this blog? I have never received joy and peace and unity in Christ like this. This is not acceleration this is a time warp travel. Bless you all.

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    1. Thank you Michael…the Lord will bless you abundantly for your expression.

      Can you imagine me the sinner, me on my knees begging for peace in my life? In the blink of an eye He gives me these paintings one after another to teach me how much He loves me, how much He loves us, and no matter what, how worthy we are to Him? All He asked of me is to trust Him. Can you imagine that? He brought peace & joy to my life where there was none and all He wanted was all of me…

      He now is as real to me as any of you are and as real as I am sitting here typing my heart out. I want the world to feel what I feel!

      I’m overwhelmed with humility and everlasting love for my Lord and Savior, King of all Kings. There are no words.

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    1. James,

      I’m so glad you shared her with Linda. I pray she will be blessed by her.

      I have a friend of 40+ years whose mothers angel appeared to her years ago, long before the Lord started painting through me…she says her name is Sara. When she first saw my angel, “I am Yours”, she said, “That’s Sara”, that’s my angel!!! The Lord is amazing in His works!


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  13. Christine,

    Somehow I missed your comment above about ( “abiding” in 2001). Please forgive me.

    What a beautiful testimony. Thank you for sharing that and for explaining farther “abiding” in Greek. I feel the Holy Spirit working and confirmation from your post.


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